Saturday, June 1, 2013

Will the Role of HR Change in the next 10 Years? Join us on the #HRIS Chat, June 4

#HRISChat Session 3 - Tuesday, June 4th 1PM EST/ 10AM PST

Will the role of HR change in the next 10 years? A ½ hour power-chat.

Moderated by special guest Lexy Martin

Two weeks ago, Michael Koscec posed the following, simple question in the HR & Talent Management Executive Group on LinkedIn. “Do you think the role of HR will change in the next 10 years. If yes-how?” What has followed is a barrage of comments (32 at the time this is being written) which highlight the galvanizing nature of the question.

As an overall theme, answers tend to be at one of two ends of the spectrum:

1) HR won’t have made any drastic changes in by 2023 (just as it hasn’t since we had this conversation in 2003)

2) HR will have drastically changed in the short term, and completely changed by 2023.

75% of the opinions predict change and 25% suggest things will stay pretty much as they are.  At 15%, technology is shown to be the main driver of change, and an additional 10% expect change to come about as a result of redundancy (which may also be traced to technology).  This consistent theme in the responses makes this a great topic for our bi-weekly #HRISChat to be conducted live from IHRIM’s 2013 HRMS Strategies Conference and Technology Exposition in Orlando.
Here are the logistics.  On Tuesday, June 4th at 1 EST (note the new time for this week), we’ll open the power chat with a vote, allowing for IHRIM conference attendees and the HR/HRIS community at large to weigh in. We will also accept votes placed in advance of the chat for those who cannot attend. Following the vote there will be a brief discussion about the why, the why not, and the how.  After the chat, we’ll broadcast a final tally of the votes, and 2 prizes will be given for the comments that support each end of the spectrum, as chosen by the guest moderator, Lexy Martin.

About our co-moderator:
Lexy Martin is Vice President, Research and Analytics for CedarCrestone. Lexy is responsible for CedarCrestone’s annual HR Systems Survey, now in its 15th year.  She also provides strategy, business case, metrics and analytics services and deep dive benchmarking in all industries. Working with many of the leading HCM vendors, Lexi has helped develop their value propositions and conducted numerous surveys of their customer bases. Few researchers in HR technology can match the experience that Lexy has accumulated during her career in introducing emerging technologies.

And here are the questions for this edition of #HRISChat:
Q1: Cast your vote. Will the role of HR change in the next 10 years? Briefly describe how (1 official answer per person, marked with an “A1:”).

Q2: What role, if any, will HR Technology play in the transformation?
Q3: Will HR earn a seat at the strategic table?

Q4: It’s 2023 and HRISChat asks you to recap the last 10 years of HR in one tweet. What does it say?
New to tweet chats? Don't worry, it's easy! Go to, enter HRISChat at the top of the screen next to the # symbol and click "go." It will likely prompt you to login to Twitter. Then just watch for the questions and provide your answers. We look forward to your participation next Tuesday 6/4 at 1PM EST/10AM PST.

Jeremy Ames, Gaucho Group

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